autobidsonline (continued)

The Future of Internet Sales

6 Major Benefits:

  • You get the VERY hottest leads, since no other company can get consumers to pay for the opportunity to submit purchase offers.
  • You ONLY pay for leads when the customer decides to share their personal contact info with you—i.e., you pay only for SERIOUS leads, not “be-backs” or tire-kickers.
  • You get exclusivity. If a buyer makes an offer and you accept it, NO OTHER dealers can bid on that offer for 10 days unless the deal is terminated by either you or the prospect.
  • You benefit from a win-win situation--consumers are becoming more dependent upon the internet to research and initiate vehicle buying, so ABOL takes dealers and consumers to the latest generation methodologies for purchasing and selling more cars.
  • You close more deals--On 10/15/08, J.D. Power and Associates released their 2008 New Study, which indicates an increasing number of shoppers turning to the Internet; 75 percent of buyers are using the internet in '08, versus 70 percent for 2007.
  • You SIGNIFICANTLY increase your ROI by making your internet department much more efficient by limiting the large volume of random emails they get from online tire kickers sent to them from other referral sites.

How Much Is More Sales And Increased ROI Worth To Your Dealership?
Would you invest $5,000, $10,000 or more to a marketing firm to get higher quality leads with increased ROI and lower overall referral expenses?

And what would you pay to…
  • Profit from an exclusive negotiating position with more serious buyers?
  • Get more consumer traffic to your site with an aggressive marketing campaign composed of online and traditional media sources?
  • Increase your sales people’s productivity by cutting down on the number of random emails they have to deal with from mildly curious people and just plain tire-kickers?
Your signup fee with is only $499.00 and when a buyer chooses to give you his personal contact info, you pay only $49.00 for that highly qualified lead.

To Get Started, Click Here Now To Accept The Online Dealer Agreement.

(Please note: since your acceptance or counter offer of a consumer’s purchase offer will be a “Guaranteed Buy Bid,” we will need to verify your signature authority in person or over the phone before we fully activate your Dealer Account.)

Here’s What It All Comes Down To…

You have a unique opportunity to increase your sales, your ROI, and your staff’s productivity by hiring us for a very reasonable fee to give you serious leads.

And if you accept their offer or make an accepted counter-offer, you get EXCLUSIVE access to that lead.

Do you really want to keep putting up with so-so sales and too much time wasted on tire-kickers?

Say “YES” To Red-Hot Leads By Clicking Here Now to Accept the Online Dealer Agreement.

I strongly urge you to act now—the economic climate is getting rougher by the day and you need all the help you can get!

Wishing you the best of success,

Jeff Cook

P.S. As you’re reading this, people are planning to buy vehicles—and 75% of them are using the internet. Isn’t it time you cashed in on this major marketing shift…WITHOUT wasting time on random emails from kids and non-serious people? If you agree, click the order link now.

P.P.S. Consider what will happen if you don’t take advantage of this opportunity to get a leg up on leads—and your competition DOES. Do you really want to lose even MORE sales to them? Click the link above today.